Relationship Jealousy
Relationship Jealousy
After seven years of teaching, I’ve realized how often individuals discredit their abilities and knowledge. I have been the fodder for people who thought I was super intelligent because I have a masters degree. I believe that after seventeen years of school and numerous students taught, education never makes one person better than another. Yes, we can form our conclusions by the way a person speaks, dresses and carries themselves, but my resounding experience is our conclusions are rarely, if ever, completely accurate.
It took me thirty-one years to realize people can be cruel and run rampant with jealousy. I may be self-conscious and carry as much anxiety as a chihuahua jacked up on caffeine, but I have always prided myself with a 99% inability to feel jealous. I have never seen the need in it. Whatever anyone wants they can get. Find a way, there is always a way. These are the principles that I know. I had to experience failure, embarrassment, heart-crushing, drop to my knees, crying moments, and how to accept a compliment, before I knew them, but I believe completely that jealousy has no happy ending.
When you love, whether it be a man, woman, yourself, art, music, etc., I think you see the beauty in that person, place or thing and it is impossible to understand the negative darkness trying to penetrate your positive light.
Humans are naturally attracted to light and my hardest lessons have come from dwelling in the darkness that some harbor and covet. Maybe we don’t agree with the choices and behavior of a non-celebrity or those of various elements of fame, with either, is it necessary to lie about them? I have found that drama occurs whether we are happy or not. Being who we are, licking our wounds that may never heal, and feeling happy with our days, is the best light anyone can shine. I think a secret to happiness is making the choice to ignore rather than indulge in the darkness of jealousy’s drama created over being your true self.
After seven years of teaching, I’ve realized how often individuals discredit their abilities and knowledge. I have been the fodder for people who thought I was super intelligent because I have a masters degree. I believe that after seventeen years of school and numerous students taught, education never makes one person better than another. Yes, we can form our conclusions by the way a person speaks, dresses and carries themselves, but my resounding experience is our conclusions are rarely, if ever, completely accurate.
It took me thirty-one years to realize people can be cruel and run rampant with jealousy. I may be self-conscious and carry as much anxiety as a chihuahua jacked up on caffeine, but I have always prided myself with a 99% inability to feel jealous. I have never seen the need in it. Whatever anyone wants they can get. Find a way, there is always a way. These are the principles that I know. I had to experience failure, embarrassment, heart-crushing, drop to my knees, crying moments, and how to accept a compliment, before I knew them, but I believe completely that jealousy has no happy ending.
When you love, whether it be a man, woman, yourself, art, music, etc., I think you see the beauty in that person, place or thing and it is impossible to understand the negative darkness trying to penetrate your positive light.
Humans are naturally attracted to light and my hardest lessons have come from dwelling in the darkness that some harbor and covet. Maybe we don’t agree with the choices and behavior of a non-celebrity or those of various elements of fame, with either, is it necessary to lie about them? I have found that drama occurs whether we are happy or not. Being who we are, licking our wounds that may never heal, and feeling happy with our days, is the best light anyone can shine. I think a secret to happiness is making the choice to ignore rather than indulge in the darkness of jealousy’s drama created over being your true self.

A former computer professor turned Internet writer, Patti Pacifico, has combined elements of film,music,and publishing to create the world's first digi-tome, "life". From losing everything, she learned to hear her creativity and search for those interested in a different way of learning and beautiful way of living.
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